Freddy Andale in Papua New Guinea
Let’s get to know Freddy Andale:
City, Country: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Title:: Project Manager, Project Management Office
Industry: Banking & Financial Institution
Number of years of work experiences: 5 Years in Project Management & 6 Years in Retail Industry
Languages: Tok Pidgin, English
How do you say Project Manager in your language? Wokman
Certifications: Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Community Strength & Conditioning Coach, Certified Sports Strapper - Oceania
Diploma: Diploma in Business – Accounting,
Associate Diploma in Project Management
3 Passions: Strength & Conditioning Personal Trainer, Reading : Targeted to improve knowledge gaps, Community engagement Projects (Humanitarian/Healthcare)
How would you describe yourself?
Intrinsically motivated and a go-getter, I perceive myself to be kind but also tough. Always keen to help people around me within my circle of influence. I value my time and at times very selective on who I associate myself with. I am driven on any endeavors I persue to chase and does not really rely on being motivated because motivation is temporary. Continuous improvement and learning is always my key cornerstone and a keystone habit.
Why did you become a project manager?
I just wanted to get things done RIGHT the RIGHT way so that value was delivered on any initiative and every beneficiaries realized that as well.
What do you think is the essential skill needed by a project manager?
Top of my list would be Emotional Intelligence
What is your next step as a project manager?
To continue to work in a PMO and grow in the industry and learn from different subject matter experts in the field.
Do you have any resources to recommend?
One Minute Manager - Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Atomic Habits - James Clear
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Ricardo Viana Vargas : Podcasts, YouTube, Crash Course, Videos on PMBOK6-7
Joseph Philips : for all his courses