Why do you need a project certification?


1. My experiences

I have three project certifications and none of them was required at work. However, this is the best decision I have ever made. Preparing a project certification is a project in itself. You have to find a training center, buy the relevant books, define the finish line: the date of the examination. From then, you can set the rhythm of learning. Of course, you can be a good project manager with no certification.

2. What do you gain?

When you prepare a new certification in group training, it is a way to get to know new people and to gain new perspectives.

When you earn the certification, you become part of a community, another way to learn and network. Certification has to be maintained: so you are encouraged to keep up with the changes and the evolving work requirements. Earning and maintaining certifications prove your work experiences and your willingness to grow

Finally, in some countries, the certifications are a competitive edge. Even if in your country, it is not the case, it is part of your professional development.

3. The next step

Preparing certifications means time and money investments.

  • Investigate what are the recommended or required certifications in your country and industry

  • Look for a training provider

  • Map out a learning planning to pass certifications



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